See Tukrish weather forecast maps including high and low temperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Turkey weather gives you all you need ti know about the weather of Turkey with informations about the temperatures , rain , wind and more.
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We cover the major ,cities of Turkey especially Istanbul, Ankara, İzmir , Bursa, Adana, Gaziantep, Konya and Antalya.
Although Turkey is situated in a geographical location where climatic conditions are quite temperate, there are significant differences in climatic conditions from one region to the other. While the coastal regions enjoy milder climates, the inland Anatolia plateau experiences a dryer climate with hot summers and cold winters with limited rainfa ll.
In Istanbul and around the sea of Marmara (Marmara region) the climate is moderate (winter 5°C and summer 25°C); in winter the temperature can drop below zero. In Western Anatolia (Aegean region) there is a mild, pleasant Mediterranean influenced climate with average temperatures of 9°C in winter and 29°C in summer. On the southern coast of Anatolia (Mediterranean region) the same climate can be found. The climate of the Anatolian Plateau (Central Anatolian region) is a steppe climate, with a great temperature difference between day and night. Rainfall is low and there is more snow in the winter. The average temperature is about 23°C in summer and -2°C in winter.
The climate in the Black Sea region is wet, warm and humid, with summer temperatures about 23°C, 7°C in the winter. In Eastern Anatolia and South-Eastern Anatolia there is a long hard winter, where snow lies on the ground from November until the end of April. The average temperature in winter is -13°C and in summer 17°C.
Features :
- We show you the next 6 Days Forecast
- Different color for different weather
- A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your home screen
- 5 beauty theme available
- 9 Available Weather Map (Temperature, Wind Speed, Precipitation, Rain, Rain Classic, Snow, Cloud, Cloud classic, Sea Pressure)
- Uses GPS Location to detect your location